Giza Power industry (GPI)
We Own The Power.Giza Power industry factory was established in 1984 to produce different varieties of power cables under name of (Giza Cables).
over total landscape of 81,745 m2 at industrial sector of Abo Rawash Giza, Egypt.
Plant kick off was on May 1985. By March 1988 factory was legally commissioned for commercial production under license number 986.
In Feb 2015 factory name was changed after it was sold to a new owner to (Giza power industry).
GPI is one of the best modern equipped factories in Egypt for cable production.
Since 1988 plant succeeded to open different markets in Qatar, Ethiopia, Yemen, Algeria, Tanzania, Libya, Spain, France, Italy, Romania …etc. covering Egypt, MENA, Africa and Europe regions.
GPI success story is based on our employees whom we call family working on team work base.
Safety and employee satisfaction is one of main key points that we make sure we fulfil during our manufacturing process.
We are able to fulfll customer needs, by working hard on customer development satisfaction points and requirements achieving client’s specifcations and quality.
Client’s perception is one of most important role we make sure to achieve. Different governmental, international and private authorities audits are done on continues time frame.
Quality, Safety, Occupational Health and Environment Policy
Giza Power Industry Company is one of the leading companies in the field of Design, Development and manufacturing low, medium, high voltage cables, extra-high voltage cables and overhead transmission lines.
Based on advanced thought and to maintain the level and position of the company in the global and local markets, the company was keen to achieve and implement international specifications for the quality system.
ISO 9001/2015, the Occupational Safety and Health System ISO 45001/2018, and the Environmental Management System ISO 14001/2015, BASEC PCR and is committed to:
1-Continuous development to implement the requirements of international standards for quality, environment and safety systems
And occupational health and achieving the goals of the various quality systems in order to ensure continued improvement and ensure the effectiveness of these systems towards the company.
2- Make every effort and provide our best in order to reach the customer’s satisfaction and expectations.
3-Achieving customer demands and expectations with the least impact of products and activities on the environment and with the least risks in the work environment.
4-Achieving the legal and legislative requirements related to the facility’s work in accordance with the three international standards.
5- Achieving the requirements of BASEC PCR (British Approval Service for Cables), which requires the necessity of applying quality, safety and occupational health within the facility.
6-Working as an integrated team selected from individuals qualified to the highest level and trained in all modern technologies used in research and development in accordance with international specifications: -
ISO (9001/2015) - ISO (14001/2015) - ISO (45001/2018).
7-Communicating the policy to employees and important relevant parties.
8-Achieving complete customer satisfaction.
9-Providing occupational safety and health for workers, neighbors, customers, contractors and visitors to the company and achieving the principle of employee participation.
10-Documenting, implementing and maintaining the policy and objectives.
11-Conduct continuous reviews to ensure the achievement of goals and the continued effectiveness of the application of quality, environmental, safety and occupational health systems.
12-Specific commitment regarding achieving expectations regarding internal and external issues and related parties that affect the nature of the company’s work.
13-Commitment to taking effective measures regarding controlling risks and opportunities for quality, safety and environmental systems.